Masters Thesis

A long-term follow-up study of primary grade repeaters

The purpose of this study was to ascertain the I.Q. and achievement of sixth-grade pupils in a school district who had repeated a primary grade. It also proposed to determine how much further help was given these students in school following their retention. Two standardized group achievement tests, the Stanford Achievement Test and the Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills, yielded the scores in reading and math used. I.Q. scores on the Lorge-Thorndike Intelligence Test were utilized as well. Information on extra assistance given was obtained from files in the Special Services Department of the district. Separate Chi-square tests were performed to determine the significance of differences found between test score distributions of the retained pupils and those of their grade level peers. Results indicated that retained pupils remained below their peers in the grades following the year repeated in reading and math achievement. Their group I.Q. test scores were lower than their peers' also, but individual test scores suggested that their average I.Q. was within the normal range. Referrals to Guidance and special class placements were significantly higher in this group than among their peers.

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